26 research outputs found

    Naor-Yung paradigm with shared randomness and applications

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    The Naor-Yung paradigm (Naor and Yung, STOC’90) allows to generically boost security under chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) to security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA) for public-key encryption (PKE) schemes. The main idea is to encrypt the plaintext twice (under independent public keys), and to append a non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof that the two ciphertexts indeed encrypt the same message. Later work by Camenisch, Chandran, and Shoup (Eurocrypt’09) and Naor and Segev (Crypto’09 and SIAM J. Comput.’12) established that the very same techniques can also be used in the settings of key-dependent message (KDM) and key-leakage attacks (respectively). In this paper we study the conditions under which the two ciphertexts in the Naor-Yung construction can share the same random coins. We find that this is possible, provided that the underlying PKE scheme meets an additional simple property. The motivation for re-using the same random coins is that this allows to design much more efficient NIZK proofs. We showcase such an improvement in the random oracle model, under standard complexity assumptions including Decisional Diffie-Hellman, Quadratic Residuosity, and Subset Sum. The length of the resulting ciphertexts is reduced by 50%, yielding truly efficient PKE schemes achieving CCA security under KDM and key-leakage attacks. As an additional contribution, we design the first PKE scheme whose CPA security under KDM attacks can be directly reduced to (low-density instances of) the Subset Sum assumption. The scheme supports keydependent messages computed via any affine function of the secret ke


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    The present disclosure provides a system and a method for revoking compromised cryptographic key from a database. The proposed system provides a database which is a graph that stores information on dependencies between a working key and cryptographic algorithms and keys used in establishing the working keys. The proposed system upon identifying the compromised keys revokes the compromised cryptographic keys and corresponding keys from the database. The proposed system provides data security and an efficient revocation process of the compromised cryptographic keys

    Authentication from Weak PRFs with Hidden Auxiliary Input

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    In this work, we study a class of randomized weak pseudorandom functions, which we call weak PRFs with hidden auxiliary input (HIwPRF). Compared to Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) or Learning with Errors (LWE) based randomized weak PRFs, it provides less algebraic structure such that many known techniques and constructions do not translate to this class. We investigate the potential of HIwPRFs for secure message and user authentication. We construct a protocol that gives as strong security guarantees when instantiated with a HIwPRF as known from weak PRF, LPN or LWE based protocols

    A PKI-based Framework for Establishing Efficient MPC Channels

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    The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is a fundamental building block for ensuring security on Internet. It provides an easy to use framework for the purposes of establishing an authenticated and secure channel between two parties that have never physically met. Nevertheless, TLS only provides a simple cryptographic functionality compared to more advanced protocols such as protocols for secure multiparty computation (MPC). In this work, we provide a framework for efficiently establishing channels for MPC over the Internet. We focus on MPC protocols in the oblivious transfer (OT) hybrid model such that it is sufficient to establish OT correlations for such a channel. We revisit and combine different notions of UC security proposed in both the MPC and authenticated key exchange settings. Through this work, we show how an OT protocol can be composed with a secure authenticator to ensure the authenticity of messages sent during the OT. In addition, we adapt and analyse non-interactive OTs based on dense key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) in the random oracle model, where the first message, i.e. public key, can be reused. These KEMs can be instantiated based on CDH, RSA and LWE and after a performance and security evaluation, it turns out that the resulting OT protocols are very competitive with the state of the art and are able to leverage existing PKIs

    Optimal Security Proofs for Signatures from Identification Schemes

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    We perform a concrete security treatment of digital signature schemes obtained from canonical identification schemes via the Fiat-Shamir transform. If the identification scheme is rerandomizable and satisfies the weakest possible security notion (key-recoverability), then the implied signature scheme is unforgeability against chosen-message attacks in the multi-user setting in the random oracle model. The reduction loses a factor of roughly Qh, the number of hash queries. Previous security reductions incorporated an additional multiplicative loss of N, the number of users in the system. As an important application of our framework, we obtain a concrete security treatment for Schnorr signatures. Our analysis is done in small steps via intermediate security notions, and all our implications have relatively simple proofs. Furthermore, for each step we show the optimality of the given reduction via a meta-reduction

    Non-Observable Quantum Random Oracle Model

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    The random oracle model (ROM), introduced by Bellare and Rogaway (CCS 1993), enables a formal security proof for many (efficient) cryptographic primitives and protocols, and has been quite impactful in practice. However, the security model also relies on some very strong and non-standard assumptions on how an adversary interacts with a cryptographic hash function, which might be unrealistic in a real world setting and thus could lead one to question the validity of the security analysis. For example, the ROM allows adaptively programming the hash function or observing the hash evaluations that an adversary makes. We introduce a substantially weaker variant of the random oracle model in the post-quantum setting, which we call non-observable quantum random oracle model (NO QROM). Our model uses weaker heuristics than the quantum random oracle model by Boneh, Dagdelen, Fischlin, Lehmann, Schaffner, and Zhandry (ASIACRYPT 2011), or the non-observable random oracle model proposed by Ananth and Bhaskar (ProvSec 2013). At the same time, we show that our model is a viable option for establishing the post-quantum security of many cryptographic schemes by proving the security of important primitives such as extractable non-malleable commitments, digital signatures, and chosen-ciphertext secure public-key encryption in the NO QROM

    Efficient and Tight Oblivious Transfer from PKE with Tight Multi-User Security

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    We propose an efficient oblivious transfer in the random oracle model based on public key encryption with pseudorandom public keys. The construction is as efficient as the state of art though it has a significant advantage. It has a tight security reduction to the multi-user security of the underlying public key encryption. In previous constructions, the security reduction has a multiplicative loss that amounts in at least the amount of adversarial random oracle queries. When considering this loss for a secure parameter choice, the underlying public key encryption or elliptic curve would require a significantly higher security level which would decrease the overall efficiency. Our OT construction can be instantiated from a wide range of assumptions such as DDH, LWE, or codes based assumptions as well as many public key encryption schemes such as the NIST PQC finalists. Since tight multi-user security is a very natural requirement which many public key encryption schemes suffice, many public key encryption schemes can be straightforwardly plugged in our construction without the need of reevaluating or adapting any parameter choices

    Reusable Two-Round MPC from DDH

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    We present a reusable two-round multi-party computation (MPC) protocol from the Decisional Diffie Hellman assumption (DDH). In particular, we show how to upgrade any secure two-round MPC protocol to allow reusability of its first message across multiple computations, using Homomorphic Secret Sharing (HSS) and pseudorandom functions in NC1— each of which can be instantiated from DDH. In our construction, if the underlying two-round MPC protocol is secure against semi-honest adversaries (in the plain model) then so is our reusable two-round MPC protocol. Similarly, if the underlying two-round MPC protocol is secure against malicious adversaries (in the common random/reference string model) then so is our reusable two-round MPC protocol. Previously, such reusable two-round MPC protocols were only known under assumptions on lattices. At a technical level, we show how to upgrade any two-round MPC protocol to a first message succinct two-round MPC protocol, where the first message of the protocol is generated independently of the computed circuit (though it is not reusable). This step uses homomorphic secret sharing (HSS) and low-depth pseudorandom functions. Next, we show a generic transformation that upgrades any first message succinct two-round MPC to allow for reusability of its first message

    On the Hardness of Learning with Rounding over Small Modulus

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    We show the following reductions from the learning with errors problem (LWE) to the learning with rounding problem (LWR): (1) Learning the secret and (2) distinguishing samples from random strings is at least as hard for LWR as it is for LWE for efficient algorithms if the number of samples is no larger than O(q/Bp), where q is the LWR modulus, p is the rounding modulus and the noise is sampled from any distribution supported over the set {-B,...,B}. Our second result generalizes a theorem of Alwen, Krenn, Pietrzak and Wichs (CRYPTO 2013) and provides an alternate proof of it. Unlike Alwen et al., we do not impose any number theoretic restrictions on the modulus q. The first result also extends to variants of LWR and LWE over polynomial rings. As additional results we show that (3) distinguishing any number of LWR samples from random strings is of equivalent hardness to LWE whose noise distribution is uniform over the integers in the range [-q/2p,...,q/2p) provided q is a multiple of p and (4) the noise flooding technique for converting faulty LWE noise to a discrete Gaussian distribution can be applied whenever q = \Omega(B\sqrt{m}). All our reductions preserve sample complexity and have time complexity at most polynomial in q, the dimension, and the number of samples

    Round-Optimal Oblivious Transfer and MPC from Computational CSIDH

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    We present the first round-optimal and plausibly quantum-safe oblivious transfer (OT) and multi-party computation (MPC) protocols from the computational CSIDH assumption - the weakest and most widely studied assumption in the CSIDH family of isogeny-based assumptions. We obtain the following results: - The first round-optimal maliciously secure OT and MPC protocols in the plain model that achieve (black-box) simulation-based security while relying on the computational CSIDH assumption. - The first round-optimal maliciously secure OT and MPC protocols that achieves Universal Composability (UC) security in the presence of a trusted setup (common reference string plus random oracle) while relying on the computational CSIDH assumption. Prior plausibly quantum-safe isogeny-based OT protocols (with/without setup assumptions) are either not round-optimal, or rely on potentially stronger assumptions. We also build a 3-round maliciously-secure OT extension protocol where each base OT protocol requires only 4 isogeny computations. In comparison, the most efficient isogeny-based OT extension protocol till date due to Lai et al. [Eurocrypt 2021] requires 12 isogeny computations and 4 rounds of communication, while relying on the same assumption as our construction, namely the reciprocal CSIDH assumption